दारोगा (मुख्य) परीक्षा (paper-1) हल प्रश्न पत्र- 2
दारोगा (मुख्य) परीक्षा (paper-1) हल प्रश्न पत्र- 2
English Language
Directions (1): One of the most intriguing stories of the Russian Revolution concerns the identity of Anastasia, the youngest daughter of Czar Nicholas II. During his reign over Russia, the Czar had planned to revoke many of the harsh laws established by previous Czars. Some workers and peasants, however, clamoured for more rapid social reform. In 1918, a group of these people known as Bolsheviks overthrew the government. On July 17 or 18, they murdered the Czar and what was thought to be his entire family. Although witnesses vouched that all the members of the Czar's family had been executed, there were rumours suggesting that Anastasia had survived. Over the years, a number of women claimed to be Grand Duchess Anastasia. Perhaps the most famous claimant was AnastasiaTschaikovsky, who was also known as Anna Anderson. In 1920, 18 months after the Czar's execution, this terrified young woman was rescued from drowning in a Berlin river. She spent two years in a hospital, where she attempted to reclaim her health and shattered mind. The doctors and nurses thought that she resembled Anastasia and questioned her about her background. She disclaimed any connection with the Czar's family. Eight years later, however, she claimed that she was Anastasia. She said that she had been rescued by two Russian soldiers after the Czar and the rest of her family had been killed. Two brothers named Tschaikovsky had carried her into Romania. She had married one of the brothers, who had taken her to Berlin and left her there, penniless and without a vocation. During the next few years, scores of the Czar's relatives, ex-servants, and acquaintances interviewed her. Many of these people said that her looks and mannerisms were evocative of the Anastasia that they had known. Her grandmother and other relatives denied that she was the real Anastasia, however, Tired of being accused of fraud, Anastasia immigrated to the United States in 1928 and took the name Anna Anderson. She still wished to prove that she was Anastasia, though, and returned to Germany in 1933 to bring suit against her mother's family. There she declaimed to the court, asserting that she was indeed Anastasia and deserved her inheritance.
Although it will probably never be known whether this woman was the Grand Duchess Anastasia, her search to establish her identity has been the subject of numerous books, plays, and movies.
Q 1. The statement which can be made with complete surety is:
(a) Anna Anderson's grandmother and other relatives accepted that she was the real Anastasia. :
(b) The most famous claimant to being Grand Duchess Anastasia was Anastasia Tschaikovsky.
(c) Two brothers named Tschaikovsky had carried Anna into Russia.
(d) All of these
Directions (2-3): In the 16th century, an age of great marine and terrestrial exploration, Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition to sailaround the world. As a young Portuguese noble, he served the king of Portugal, but he became involved in the quagmire ofpolitical intrigue at court and lost the king's favor. After he was dismissed from service by the king of Portugal, he offered to serve the future Emperor Charles V of Spain. A papal decree of 1493 had assigned all land in the New World west of 50 degrees W longitude to Spain and all the land east of that line to Portugal. Magellan offered to prove that the East Indies fell under Spanish authority. On September 20, 1519, Magellan set sail from Spain with five ships. More than a year later, one of these ships was exploring the topography of South America in search of a water route across the continent. This ship sank, but the remaining four ships searched along the southern peninsula of South America. Finally they found the passage they sought near 50 degrees S latitude. Magellan named this passage the Strait of All Saints, but today it is known as the Strait of Magellan. One ship deserted while in this passage and returned to Spain, so fewer sailors were privileged to gaze at that first panorama of the Pacific Ocean. Those who remained crossed the meridian now known as the International Date Line in the early spring of 1521 after 98 days on the Pacific Ocean. During those long days at sea, many of Magellan's men died of starvation and disease. Later, Magellan became involved in an insular conflict in the Philippines and was killed in a tribal battle. Only one ship and 17 sailors under the command of the Basque navigator Elcano survived to complete the westward journey to Spain and thus prove once and for all that the world is round, with no precipice at the edge.
Q 2. One of Magellan's ships explored the topography of South America for a passage across the continent.
What do you understand by topography?
(a) coastline
(b) mountain range
(c) physical features
(d) islands
Q 3. During those long days at sea, how did many of Magellan's men die?
(a) by drowning
(b) starvation and disease
(c) getting lost
(d) none of these
Directions (4-5): Like many people acting on the desire to eat healthy and local, Acropolis resident Eduardo Jimenez decided to plant a garden in his backyard. He tilled the soil, he planted the seeds, and heeven erected a fence to keep out the deer. Eduardo did everything right. Or so it seems. Harvest time has come, and he has not one tomato, bean, or leaf of lettuce to show for his hard work. How did this happen? The answer comes in the form of a small, brown, particularly smelly insect: the stink bug. Unlike their fastidious cousins, stink bugs feed on some 300 species of plants, including figs, mulberries, corn, and citrus fruits as well as soybeans, legumes, and weeds. Although they do little damage to the plant itself, they make the fruits and vegetables unmarketable. For this reason, stink bugs pose the most serious threat to the big agriculturalists and macro farm operators. Macro farmers have more invested in their produce, and therefore have more to lose. While hobbyists like Eduardo are left to face the disappointment of an unsuccessful garden, macro farmers are forced to live with the loss of entire tracts of cash crops a fact that has left many barely able to clothe their children or put food on the table. Last season alone, several New Jersey pepper farmers saw 75% of their crops damaged. Pennsylvania lost half of its peach population, and, according to the US Apple Association, apple farmers in the mid-Atlantic states lost $37 million. This year could be worse. As a result of this decline in the supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, shoppers have seen Adjustments - sometimes quite dramatic-in prices at the grocery store. Prices of apples in Maryland are up 8%. In the north-Atlantic states, prices for peppers shot up an astounding 14%. Not only are these items becoming more expensive, but they are also getting harder to find. Last week, Marge Jenkins of Athens, Georgia reported having to check three different stores before: stumbling upon a decent batch of peas. And this, she assures us, is a regular occurrence. Accidentally brought from Asia, the stink bug has no natural predators in America, and thus its population is soaring. Reported sightings of stink bugs are becoming increasingly numerous, as the desiccated, brown, trapezoidal shells of the dead bugs are ubiquitous in some areas. This has farmers and scientists alike scratching their heads in search of a remedy. Hope, they believe, may lie with an Asian parasitic wasp, which helpfully lays its eggs inside stink bug eggs. The larvae of the wasp devour the stink bug from the inside. Implementation of such a solution is still several years away, as scientists must first determine if it is safe for the wasp to be introduced into America. Until then, some farmers are resorting to homemade traps. Others have even contemplated the use of peacocks and praying mantises, which, they hypothesize, will gulp down the little stinkers.
Q 4. Which of the following statements would you agree with,based on the information received from the given text?
(a) It's hopeless to try to fight against stink bugs
(b) There is no possible remedy to the stink bug problem
(c) Work is in progress to eradicate stink bugs
(d) Scientists have found a method for eliminating stink bugs
Q 5. Based on the information given in the passage, it can be deducted that an increase in supply leads to–
(a) a decrease in price
(b) higher demand
(c) non availability of fruits
(d) an increase in price
Directions (6-7) : Conflict had existed between Spain and England since the 1570s. England wanted a share of the wealth that Spain had been taking from the lands it had claimed in the Americas. Elizabeth I, Queen of England, encouraged her staunch admiral of the navy, Sir Francis Drake, to raid Spanish ships and towns. Though these raids were on a small scale, Drake achieved dramatic success, adding gold and silver to England's treasury and diminishing Spain's supremacy. Religious differences also caused conflict between the two countries. Whereas Spain was Roman Catholic, most of England had become Protestant. King Philip II of Spain wanted to claim the throne and make England a Catholic country again. To satisfy his ambition and also to retaliate against England's theft of his gold and silver, King Philip began to build his fleet of warships, the Spanish Armada, in January 1586. Philip intended his fleet to be indestructible. In addition to building new warships, he marshalled 130 sailing vessels of all types and recruited more than 19,000 robust soldiers and 8,000 sailors.
Although some of his ships lacked guns and others lacked ammunition, Philip was convinced that his Armada could withstand any battle with England. The martial Armada set sail from Lisbon, Portugal, on May 9, 1588, but bad weather forced it back to port. The voyage resumed on July 22 after the weather became more stable. The Spanish fleet met the smaller, faster, and more maneuverable English ships in battle off the coast of Plymouth, England, first on July 31 and again on August 2. The two battles let Spain vulnerable, having lost several ships and with its ammunition depleted On August 7, while the Armada lay a anchor on the French side of the Strait of Dover, England sent eight burning ships into the midst of the Spanish fleet to set it on fire. Blocked on one side, the Spanish ships could only drift away, their crews in panic and disorder. Before the Armad could regroup, the English attacked aga on August 8. Although the Spaniards made a valiant effort to fight back, fleet suffered extensive damage. During the eight hours of battle, the Armadi drifted perilously close to the rock coastline. At the moment when it seemed that the Spanish ships would be drives onto the English shore, the wind shif and the Armada drifted out into the North Sea.
The Spaniards recognized superiority of the English fleet a returned home, defeated.
Q 6. King Philip recruited many soldiers and sailors. Choose the adjective which best explains the quality of: soldiers and sailors.
(a) warlike
(b) strong
(c) accomplished
(d) timid
Q 7. Sir Francis Drake achieved dramatic success, adding gold and silver to England's treasury and diminishing Spain's_________.
(a) unlimited power
(b) unrestricted growth
(c) territory
(d) none of these
Directions (8): One of the most intriguing stories of the Russian Revolution concerns the identity ofAnastasia, the youngest daughter of Czar Nicholas II. During his reign over Russia, the Czar had planned to revoke many of the harsh laws established by previous Czars. Some workers and peasants, however, clamoured for more rapid social reform. In 1918, a group of these peopleknown as Bolsheviks overthrew the government. On July 17 or 18, they murdered the Czar and what was thought to be his entire family. Although witnesses vouched that all the members of the Czar's family had been executed, there were rumours suggesting that Anastasia had survived. Over the years, a number of women claimed to be Grand Duchess Anastasia. Perhaps the most famous claimant was Anastasia Tschaikovsky, who was also known as Anna Anderson. In 1920, 18 months after the Czar's execution, this terrified young woman was rescued from drowning in a Berlin river. She spent two years in a hospital, where she attempted to reclaim her health and shattered mind. The doctors and nurses thought that she resembled Anastasia and questioned her about her background. She disclaimed any connection with the Czar's family. Eight years later, however, she claimed that she was Anastasia. She said that she had been rescued by two Russian soldiers after the Czar and the rest of her family had been killed. Two brothers named Tschaikovsky had carried her into Romania. She had married one of the brothers, who had taken her to Berlin and= left her there, penniless and without a vocation. During the next few years, scores of the Czar's relatives, ex-servants, and acquaintances interviewed her. Many of these people said that her looks and mannerisms were evocative of the Anastasia that they had known. Her grandmother and other relatives denied that she was the real Anastasia, however. Tired of being accused of fraud, Anastasia immigrated to the United States in 1928 and took the name Anna Anderson. She still wished to prove that she was Anastasia, though, and returned to Germany in 1933 to bring suit against her mother's family. There she declaimed to the court, asserting that she was indeed Anastasia and deserved her inheritance.
Although it will probably never be known whether this woman was the Grand Duchess Anastasia, her search to establish her identity has been the subject of numerous books, plays, and movies.
Q 8. Based on the meaning suggested in the passage, which one of the following does not mean. CLAMOUR?
(a) ferment
(b) vociferation
(c) placid
(d) brouhaha
Directions (9-13): Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished scientists in history. Together with her husband, Pierre, she discovered radium, an element widely used for treating cancer, and studied uranium and other radioactive substances. Pierre and Marie's amicable collaboration later helped to unlock the secrets of the atom. Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a professor of physics. At an early age, she displayed a brilliant mind and a blithe personality. Her great exuberance. for learning prompted her to continue with her studies after high school. She became disgruntled, however, when she learned that the university in Warsaw was closed : to women. Determined to receive a higher education, she defiantly left Poland and in 1891 entered the Sorbonne, a French university, where she earned her master's degree and doctorate in physics.
Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne with some of the greatest scientists of her day, one of whom was Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre were married in 1895 and spent many productive years working together in the physics laboratory. A short time after they discovered radium, Pierre was killed by a horse-drawn wagon in 1906. Marie was stunned by this horrible misfortune and endured heart breaking anguish. Despondently she recalled their close relationship and the joy that they had shared in scientific research. The fact that she had two young daughters to raise by herself greatly increased her distress. Curie's feeling of desolation finally began to fade when she was asked to succeed her husband as a physics professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be given a professorship at the worldfamous university. In 1911 she received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for isolating radium. Although Marie Curie eventually suffered a fatal illness from her long exposure to radium, she never became disillusioned about her work. Regardless of the consequences, she had dedicated herself to science and to revealing the mysteries of the physical world.
Q 9. Choose the appropriate word to suit the tone of the passage._______ she remembered their joy together.
(a) rationally
(b) happily
(c) dejectedly
(d) irefully
Q 10. Choose the appropriate word to suit the tone of the passage. Marie Curie eventually suffered a fatal illness from her long exposure to radium, she never became___________ about her work.
(a) antagonistic
(b) competitive
(c) courteous
(d). industrious
Q 11. When did Curie's feeling of desolation finally began to fade?
(a) After she received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for isolating radium.
(b) When she was asked to succeed her husband as a physics professor at the Sorbonne.
(c) Prior to leaving Poland. we
(d) When she and Pierre got married in 1895.
Q 12. What, according to you, was the reason for Marie's departure from Poland?
(a) She wanted to pursue higher education at Sorbonne.
(b) There were not enough colleges in Poland.
(c) She wanted to marry Pierre.
(d) Insufficient information
Q 13. What were Marie's feelings when she learnt that she could not attend the university in Warsaw?
(a) overjoyed
(b) disgruntled
(c) depressed
(d) worried
Q 14. Choose the verb that agrees with its subject. The mascot, as well as the hockey players, _________at the school.
(a) volunteers
(b) may volunteers
(c) volunteer
(d) is volunteering
Q 15. Complete these sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets. Choose the present perfect or present perfect continuous tense.
(A) As property prices in the cities have risen, people _________into the suburbs.
(B) With their loss yesterday, Spain________ into third place in the table. (move)
(a) are moving, moves
(b) have been moving, has moved
(c) moved, is moving
(d) will move, moves
Q 16. Choose the option which uses the correct degree of the adjective used.
(a) Rishi is smarter than Abhishek.
(b) Rishi is more smarter than Abhishek.
(c) Rishi is not as smarter as Abhishek.
(d) Rishi is smartest than Abhishek.
Directions (17): Like many people acting on the desire to eat healthy and local, Acropolis resident Eduardo Jimenez; decided to plant a garden in his backyard. He tilled the soil, he planted the seeds, and he even erected a fence to keep out the deer. Eduardo did everything right. Or so it seems. Harvest time has come, and he has not one tomato, bean, or leaf of lettuce to show for his hard work. How did this happen? The answer comes in the form of a small, brown, particularly smelly insect: the stink bug. Unlike their fastidious cousins, stink bugs feed on some 300 species of plants, including figs, mulberries, corn, and citrus fruits as well as soybeans, legumes, and weeds. Although they do little damage to the plant itself, they make the fruits and vegetables unmarketable. For this reason, stink bugs pose the most serious threat to the big agriculturalists and macro farm operators. Macro farmers have more invested in their produce, and therefore have more to lose. While hobbyists like Eduardo are left to face the disappointment of an unsuccessful garden, macro farmers are forced to live with the loss of entire tracts of cash crops-a fact that has left many barely able to clothe their children or put food on the table. Last season alone, several New Jersey pepper farmers saw 75% of their crops damaged. Pennsylvania lost half of its peach population, and, according to the US Apple Association, apple farmers in the mid-Atlantic states lost $37 million. This year could be worse. As a result of this decline in the supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, shoppers have seen Adjustments sometimes quite dramatic-in prices at the grocery store. Prices of apples in Maryland are up 8%. In the north-Atlantic states, prices for peppers shot up an astounding 14%. Not only are these items becoming more expensive, but they are also getting harder to find. Last week, Marge Jenkins of Athens, Georgia reported having to check three different stores before stumbling upon a decent batch of peas. And this, she assures us, is a regular occurrence. Accidentally brought from Asia, the stink bug has no natural predators in America, and thus its population is soaring. Reported sightings of stink bugs are becoming increasingly numerous, as the desiccated, brown, trapezoidal shells of the dead bugs are ubiquitous in some areas. This has farmers and scientists alike scratching their heads in search of a remedy. Hope, they believe, may lie with an Asian parasitic wasp, which helpfully lays its eggs inside stink bug eggs. The larvae of the wasp devour the stink bug from the inside. Implementation of such a solution is sti several years away, as scientists must first determine if it is safe for the wasp to be introduced into America. Until then, some farmers are resorting to homemade traps. Others have even contemplated the use of peacocks and praying mantises, which they hypothesize, will gulp down the little stinkers.
Q 17. As used in the passage, which of the following describes something that is ubiquitous?
(a) on Valentine's Day, the college playground was littered with little pink love notes. I even found one stuck to my shoe when I got home.
(b) The oven malfunctioned and there was dough all over the kitchen floor. It took Sarita twenty minutes to clean it up.
(c) In the nineteenth century, gold miners fled to Africa in hopes of striking it rich. Unfortunately, many arrived too late and found nothing but hard times.
(d) All of these
Q 18. Which of the following words cannot be used as an interjection?
(a) Tomorrow
(b) Oops!
(c) Yes!
(d) Where?
Q 19. Choose an appropriate determiner. My grandmother's garden looks awful this summer. There are too________ weeds.
(a) much
(b) many
(c) little
(d) few
Q 20. Which option shows the correct idiom phrase?
(a) Preaching to the choir
(b) Teaching to the choir
(c) Preaching to the chair
(d) Preaching to the class
Directions (21): Like many people acting on the desire to eat healthy and local, Acropolis resident Eduardo Jimene decided to plant a garden in his backyard He tilled the soil, he planted the seeds and he even erected a fence to keep our the deer. Eduardo did everything right Or so it seems. Harvest time has come and he has not one tomato, bean, or leaf of lettuce to show for his hard work. How did this happen? The answer comes in the form of a small, brown, particularly smelly insect: the stink bug. Unlike their fastidious cousins, stink bugs feed on 300 species of plants, including figs, mulberries, corn, and citrus fruits as well as soybeans, legumes, and weeds. Although they do little damage to the plant itself, they make the fruits and some vegetables unmarketable. For this reason, stink bugs pose the most serious threat to the big agriculturalists and macro farm operators. Macro farmers have more invested in their produce, and therefore have more to lose. While hobbyists like Eduardo are left to face the disappointment of an unsuccessful garden, macro farmers are forced to live with the loss of entire tracts of cash crops-a fact that has left many barely able to clothe their children or put food on the table. Last season alone, several New Jersey pepper farmers saw 75% of their crops damaged. Pennsylvania lost half of its peach population, and, according to the US Apple Association, apple farmers in the mid-Atlantic states lost $37 million. This year could be worse. As a result of this decline in the supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, shoppers have seen Adjustments sometimes quite dramatic-in prices at the grocery store. Prices of apples in Maryland are up 8%. In the north-Atlantic states, prices for peppers shot up an astounding 14%. Not only are these items becoming more expensive, but they are also getting harder to find. Last week, Marge Jenkins of Athens, Georgia reported having to check three different stores before stumbling upon a decent batch of peas. And this, she assures us, is a regular occurrence. Accidentally brought from Asia, the stink bug has no natural predators in America, and thus its population is soaring. Reported sightings of stink bugs are becoming increasingly numerous, as the desiccated, brown, trapezoidal shells of the dead bugs are ubiquitous in some areas. This has farmers and scientists alike scratching their heads in search of a remedy. Hope, they believe, may lie with an Asian parasitic wasp, which helpfully lays its eggs inside stink bug eggs. The larvae of the wasp devour the stink bug from the inside. Implementation of such a solution is still several years away, as scientists must first determine if it is safe for the wasp to be introduced into America. Until then, some farmers are resorting to homemade traps. Others have even contemplated the use of peacocks and praying mantises, which, they hypothesize, will gulp down the little stinkers.
Q 21. Based on the given passage, the word FASTIDIOUS belongs to which of the following group of words?
(a) progressive forward, proactive
(b) demanding, particular, critical
(c) delicate, frail, minute
(d) absent minded, moderate, restrained
Q 22. Choose the sentence which does not mean the same as others.
(a) Alwar is the hottest place in India.
(b) All places in India are as hot as Alwar.
(c) No other place in India is as hot as Alwar.
(d) Alwar is hotter than all the other places in India.
Q 23. Choose the correct from of the word to fill the gap.
Rupa and Manish are going to the______ concert of Arijit Singh.
(a) life
(b) live
(c) lives
(d) lived
Q 24. Which one of the given options is not a noun?
(a) inertia
(b) incarnation
(c) industrialist
(d) industrial
Q 25. Choose the sentence which does Year not mean the same as others.
(a) Dogs are more faithful than any other animals.
(b) Dogs are the most faithful animals. P
(c) No other animal is as faithful as the dog.
(d) All other animals are more faithful than dogs.
Q 26. Most colleges have their own admissions policy. Which of the following does not mean the same as the underlined words?
(a) Almost all colleges
(b) Several colleges
(c) A sufficient number of colleges
(d) Not many colleges
Q 27. Fill in each blanks with a, an, or the. You must fill ______form in ink. Here's _______pen.
(a) a, the
(b) a, an
(c) the, a
(d) an, the
Q 28. Choose the correct group of homonyms -
(a) seen/seem; dare/dear
(b) scene/see; dire/deer
(c) sine/shine; dear/deer
(d) scene/seen; dear/deer
Q 29. Choose the correct option which gives the plural of.
(a) ilea
(b) ileums
(c) illee
(d) illeams
Q 30. Complete these sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets. Choose the present simple or present continuous tense.
(a) What are you doing with that tape ? I____ the length of the room.
(b) The street______4 mts by 100 mts. (measure)
(a) measured, measured
(b) am measuring, measures
(c) was measuring, measures
(d) measured, will measure
Q 31. Fill in the blank to connect two parts of the sentence with appropriate words.
The entry to this museum is free so you _______about the expenses.
(a) needn't pay
(b) can try
(c) needn't bother
(d) should bother
32. Fill in the blank to connect two parts of the sentence with appropriate words.
Your train tickets have been confirmed so you_________ to cancel your holiday.
(a) needn't worry
(b) can try
(c) won't worry
(d) don't have
Q 33. Fill in the blank with appropriate word from the given options.
Rachel is actually quite friendly when you_____ know her.
(a) get to
(b) go to
(c) does
(d) do
Q 34. Fill in each blanks with a, an, or the. My brother bought shirts and______cap. ______shirts were expensive, but______cap wasn't.
(a) a, the, a
(b) a, the, the
(c) an, the, the
(d) the, the, a
Q 35. Complete the sentence by filling in appropriate form of the verb given in the brackets. (mention)
Sumeet _____his neighbours that he will be gone for a few days in July.
(a) tell to
(b) mentioned to
(c) mentions to
(d) tells
Q 36. Fill in the blank with appropriate word from the given options. Give me some time to_______ dressed and then we can leave for the cinema.
(a) get
(b) become
(c) be
(d) ran
Q 37. Choose the correct spelling out of the given options.
(a) encycllopedia
(b) encyclopidia
(c) encyclopedia
(d) incyclopedia
Q 38. Complete the sentence by filling in appropriate form of the verb given in the brackets.(disagree)
Reshu___ her father that she was lazy. She thought that she was a very hardworking girl.
(a) disagreed to
(b) disagrees
(c) disagreed with
(d) disagreed
Q 39. Complete the sentence with appropriate phrase. To help you, the meaning of the phrase is given in the brackets.
Although my husband is involved in the major decisions, he leaves the ______running of the house to me. (routine)
(a) day to day
(b) everyday
(c) everyday routine
(d) monotonous
Q 40. Choose the correct passive phrase according to the tense in bracket. the computers/ to replace (Past Progressive)
(a) the computers are replaced
(b) the computers will be replaced
(c) the computers were being replaced
(d) the computers were रीप्लेस्ड
Q 41. Complete the sentence with : appropriate phrase. To help you the meaning of the phrase is given in the brackets.
When the solar eclipse takes place next week, scientists will have a opportunity to study its effects on our atmosphere. (very rare)
(a) rarest
(b) once only
(c) once in a lifetime
(d) once upon a time
Q 42. Carefully study the following rules of Subject Verb Agreement and choose the correct option.
I. Prepositional phrases between the subject and verb usually do: not affect agreement.
II. When sentences start with "there" or "here", the subject : will always be placed after the verb.
(a) Only I is correct
(b) Only II is correct
(c) Both I & II are correct
(d) Both I & II are incorrect
Q 43. Identify the adjunct in the following sentence.
In the morning, he will pass the bill.
(a) pass the bill
(b) the bill
(c) in the morning
(d) he will
Q 44. Which of the following words cannot be used as an interjection?
(a) Congratultions!
(b) Hello!
(c) Eww!
(d) Slow!
Q 45. Arrange the following words in order to make a meaningful sentence.
perhaps, understand, he, what, you, meant, didn't
(a) Perhaps he understand you didn't what meant.
(b) Perhaps he didn't understand what you meant.
(c) You perhaps didn't he understand what meant,
(d) He didn't understand what meant perhaps.
Q 46. Arrange the following words in order to make a meaningful sentence.
Never, will, to, Mumbai, again, I, go
(a) Will never I go to Mumbai again.
(b) I would never go to Mumbai again.
(c) I will never go to again Mumbai,
(d) I will never go to Mumbai again.
Q 47. Identify the adjunct in the following sentence.
Present your case carefully.
(a) your
(b) present
(c) carefully
(d) case
Q 48. Choose the verb that agrees with its subject.
The news of the discovery________ spreading.
(a) has
(b) are
(c) had
(d) is
Q 49. Change the direct speech into reported speech.
Use 'Mayur said' at the beginning of the answer. "They never arrive on time."
(a) Mayur said they never arrive on time.
(b) Mayur said they always arrived on time.
(c) Mayur said never they arrived on time.
(d) Mayur said they never arrived on time.
Q 50. Which of the following words By cannot be used as an interjection?
(a) Poor?
(b) Ouch!
(c) Uh-oh!
(d) Phew!
Q 51. Identify the adjunct in the following sentence.
Raghav drinks his pints like a demon.
(a) Raghav
(b) drinks
(c) his pints
(d) like a demon
Q 52. Carefully study the following rules of Subject Verb Agreement and choose the correct option.
1. If the subjects are both plural and are connected by the words "or."
"nor," "neither/nor,"
"either/or," and "not only/but also" the verb is singular. II. If the subjects are both singular and are connected by the words: "or," "nor," "neither/nor," "either/or," and "not only/but also" the verb is plural.
(a) Only I is correct
(b) Only II is correct
(c) Both I & II are correct
(d) Both I & II are incorrect
Q 53. Which option shows the correct idiom phrase?
(a) Grasp the nettle
(b) Grease the nettle
(c) Grasp the kettle
(d) Grasp the pot
Directions (54-55): In the 16th century, an age of great marine and terrestrial exploration, Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition to sail around the world. As a young Portuguese noble, he served the king of Portugal, but he became involved in the quagmire ofpolitical intrigue at court and lost the king's favor. After he was dismissed from service by the king of Portugal, he offered to serve the future Emperor Charles V of Spain. A papal decree of 1493 had assigned all land in the New World west of 50 degrees W longitude to Spain and all the land east of that line to Portugal. Magellan offered to prove that the East Indies fell under Spanish authority. On September 20, 1519, Magellan set sail from Spain with five ships. More than a year later, one of these ships was exploring the topography of South America in search of a water route across the continent. This ship sank, but the remaining four ships searched along the southern peninsula of South America. Finally they found the passage they sought near 50 degrees S latitude. Magellan named this passage the Strait of All Saints, but today it is known as the Strait of Magellan. One ship deserted while in this passage and returned to Spain, so fewer sailors were privileged to gaze at that first panorama of the Pacific Ocean. Those who remained crossed the meridian now known as the International Date Line in the early spring of 1521 after 98 days on the Pacific Ocean. During those long days at sea, many of Magellan's men died of starvation and disease. Later, Magellan became involved in an insular conflict in the Philippines and was killed in a tribal battle. Only one ship and 17 sailors under the command of the Basque navigator Elcano survived to complete the westward journey to Spain and thus prove once and for all that the world is round, with no precipice at the edge.
Q 54. Magellan lost the favour of the king of Portugal when he became involved in a political_____.
(a) entanglement
(b) discussion
(c) dispute
(d) problem
Q 55. Finally they found the passage they sought near 50 degrees S latitude. Magellan named this passage the Strait of All Saints. What is this passage known as today?
(a) Strait of Magellan
(b) Strait of Gibralter
(c) Palk Strait
(d) Great passage
Q 56. Which question tag will complete the sentence?
There's only one cloud in the sky,__________.
(a) right?
(b) is there?
(c) aren't there?
(d) isn't there?
Directions (57-60) :Conflict had existed between Spain and England since the 1570s. England wanted a share of the wealth that Spain had been taking from the lands it had claimed in the Americas. Elizabeth I, Queen of England, encouraged her staunch admiral of the navy, Sir Francis Drake, to raid Spanish ships and towns. Though these raids were on a small scale, Drake achieved dramatic success, adding gold and silver to England's treasury and diminishing Spain's supremacy. Religious differences also caused conflict between the two countries. Whereas Spain was Roman Catholic, most of England had become Protestant. King Philip II of Spain wanted to claim the throne and make England a Catholic country again. To satisfy his ambition and also to retaliate against England's theft of his gold and silver, King Philip began to build his fleet of warships, the Spanish Armada, in January 1586. Philip intended his fleet to be indestructible. In addition to building new warships, he marshalled 130 sailing vessels of all types and recruited more than 19,000 robust soldiers and 8,000 sailors.
Although some of his ships lacked guns and others lacked ammunition, Philip was convinced that his Armada could withstand any battle with England. The martial Armada set sail from Lisbon, Portugal, on May 9, 1588, but bad weather forced it back to port. The voyage resumed on July 22 after the weather became more stable. The Spanish fleet met the smaller, faster, and more maneuverable English ships in battle off the coast of Plymouth, England, first on July 31 and again on August 2. The two battles left Spain vulnerable, having lost several ships and with its ammunition depleted. On August 7, while the Armada lay at anchor on the French side of the Strait of Dover, England sent eight burning ships into the midst of the Spanish fleet to set it on fire. Blocked on one side, the Spanish ships could only drift away, their crews in panic and disorder. Before the Armada could regroup, the English attacked again on August 8. Although the Spaniards made a valiant effort to fight back, the fleet suffered extensive damage. During the eight hours of battle, the Armada drifted perilously close to the rocky coastline. At the moment when it seemed that the Spanish ships would be driven onto the English shore, the wind shifted, and the Armada drifted out into the North Sea. The Spaniards recognized the superiority of the English fleet and returned home, defeated.
Q 57. Why did the English raid Spanish ships?
(a) England wanted a share of the wealth that Spain had been taking from the lands it had claimed in the Americas.
(b) England wanted a share of the land that Spain had taken from the Americas.
(c) England was superior to Spain
(d) None of these
Q 58. The Spaniards recognized the superiority of the English fleet and returned home, defeated but safe. What was the reason for this event?
(a) the English surrendered
(b) the French were victorious
(c) the wind shifted
(d) all of these
Q 59. Choose an appropriate determiner. The farmer didn't use__________ fertilizer last spring. There wasn't enough produce.
(a) many
(b) much
(c) most
(d) some
Q 60. The two battles left Spain vulnerable, having lost several ships and with its ammunition depleted.
Which of the given options explains the meaning of vulnerable?
(a) open to change
(b) triumphant
(c) open to attack
(d) defeated
सामान्य हिन्दी
निर्देश (61-67 ) : दिए गए गद्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें एवं प्रश्न का उत्तर दें–
सेहत को आम तौर पर, प्रमुख तीन मानकों- शारीरिक, मनोवैज्ञानिक और शरीर में पोषक तत्वों की उपस्थिति के आधार पर मापा जा सकता है। शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य का मतलब है, किसी व्यक्ति की शारीरिक अवस्था; पोषण स्वास्थ्य का मतलब है शरीर में जरूरी पोषक तत्वों की पर्याप्त उपस्थिति, जिससे रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढ़ जाती है और शरीर विभिन्न बीमारियों से लड़ सकता है। मानसिक स्वास्थ्य का तात्पर्य है जीवन के सभी परिस्थितियों में धैर्य, शांति और मानसिक संतुलन बनाए रखने के लिए एक व्यक्ति में पर्याप्त क्षमता का मौजूद होना।
स्वास्थ्य रक्षा क्षेत्र के पेशवरों का मानना है कि कोई भी व्यक्ति खराब स्वास्थ्य रक्षा शक्ति एवं तंदुरुस्ती में कमी की वजह से ही विभिन्न बीमारियां जैसे कैंसर, मधुमेह, अवसाद, सुस्त मानसिक अवस्था, इत्यादि के गिरफ्त में आ : जाता है। अस्वास्थ्यकर जीवन जीने से कई बार समय से पूर्व मृत्यु भी हो जाती है। मोटापा एवं : शारीरिक क्षमता में कमी की वजह से युवा पीढ़ी भी मधुमेह, हृदय रोग और अन्य गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं की चपेट में आती जा रही है। चलना, दौड़ना, साइकिल चलाना, खेल, तैराकी, बागवानी, बाधा दौड़ वजन उठाने का अभ्यास एवं योग इत्यादि महत्वपूर्ण गतिविधियाँ हैं, जिनकी मदद से हम स्वस्थ्य एवं तदुरुस्त जीवन जी सकते हैं। एक व्यक्ति जो शारीरिक और मानसिक दोनों ही रूपों से तंदुरुस्त होता है, जीवन के विभिन्न उतार-चढ़ावों का मजबूत से सामना कर पाता है और परिस्थितियों में भारी बदलाव भी उसे प्रभावित नहीं कर पाती। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को बाहर धूप में कुछ समय जरूर बिताना चाहिए और ताजी हवा का सेवन भी करना चाहिए। साथ ही स्वास्थ्य वर्धक गतिविधियों में भाग लेना चाहिए। सक्रिय रहने से ही आप ऊर्जावान बने रह सकते हैं। स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित करने वाले विभिन्न घटकों में से निम्नलिखित सात मुख्य घटक हैं जो अच्छे शारीरिक एवं मानसिक स्वास्थ्य तथा तंदुरुस्ती को सुनिश्चित करते हैं, जैसे हृदय तथा रक्तवाहिकाओं संबंधी/वातापेक्षी अनुकूलन, शक्ति बढ़ाने के लिए प्रशिक्षण और मांसपेशियों का, फैलाना – माशपेशियों, अस्थिबंधनों (लिगामेंट्स) एवं पुट्ठों को, आंतरिक स्थिरता - शारीरिक एवं मानसिक दोनों, पोषण एवं पूरक - संतुलित आहार, मानसिक आराम एवं विश्राम संतुलित जीवन शैली, नींद - नियए मित रूप से नींद लेना, इत्यादि ।
पोषक तत्वों से समृद्ध भोजन, व्यायाम, पर्याप्त नींद लेना, हानिकारक पदार्थों के सेवन से परहेज इत्यादि कुछ आसान उपाय हैं, जिनकी सहायता से सेहतमंद एवं तंदुरुस्ती रहा जा सकता है। ये सभी सीधे तौर पर हमारे मानसिक, शारीरिक और भावनात्मक स्वास्थ्य से संबंधित हैं। शारीरिक तंदुरुस्त एवं मानसिक स्वास्थ्य हमारे सेहतमंद जीवन के अनिवार्य अंग हैं। एक सक्रिय और स्वस्थ जीवन शैली के लाभों को किसी भी तरह नकारा नहीं जा सकता। आप चाहें तो अपनी गतिविधि का स्तर थोड़ा बढ़ा सकते हैं या आप एक तंदुरुस्ती बढ़ाने वाली योजना के अनुसार भी चल सकते हैं जिससे आपको लंबे समय में निश्चित रूप से लाभ होगा। व्यायाम आपके शरीर के विभिन्न अंगों की सेहत के लिए अच्छा है और यह आपके शरीर को मजबूत बनाता है।
स्वस्थ जीवन व्यतीत करने के लिए पोषक आहार एवं तंदुरुस्ती जरूरी हैं। सही पोषक आहार खाने से तथा सही मात्रा में व्यायाम करने से न केवल हम अच्छा दिख सकते हैं और महसूस कर सकते हैं, बल्कि इससे हम जीवन के लिए खतरनाक रोगों के संक्रमण से भी बच सकते हैं। अच्छी सेहत का मतलब सिर्फ स्वस्थ शरीर ही नहीं होता बल्कि मानसिक हालात भी स्वस्थ होने चाहिए। हमारा स्वास्थ्य कई कारकों जैसे कि भोजन, प्रदूषण नियमित रूप से नींद लेने की आदत, ताजी हवा, पानी, स्वस्थ मानसिक हालत पर निर्भर करता है। सुबह धूप और की सैर और शारीरिक व्यायाम हमारे मन और शरीर की तंदुरुस्ती सुनिश्चित करने में मददगार हैं।
Q 61. यह जरूरी नहीं है कि मानसिक स्वास्थ्य अच्छा होने पर, शरीर में हमेशा________ बनी रहे।
(a) शांति
(b) मानसिक संतुलन
(c) धैर्य
(d) पोषक तत्वों की प्रचुर मात्रा
Q 62. लेख के अनुसार, अस्वास्थ्यकर जीवन जीने से कई बार समय से पूर्व मृत्यु भी हो जाती है। निम्नलिखित में से क्या इसके अंतर्गत नहीं आता है?
(a) वजन उठाने का अभ्यास
(b) अवसाद
(c) सुस्त मानसिक अवस्था
(d) आलस्य
Q 63. निम्नलिखित में से क्या स्वस्थ शरीर की आवश्यकता है?
(a) प्रदूषण में रहना
(b) नियमित रूप से नींद लेना
(c) ढेर सारा खाना खाना
(d) घंटों व्यायाम करना
Q 64. संतुलित जीवन शैली हेतु निम्नलिखित में से क्या आवश्यक है ?
(a) संतुलित आहार, पर्याप्त निद्रा एवं व्यायाम
(b) संतुलित आहर
(c) पर्याप्त निद्रा
(d) व्यायाम
Q 65. लेख के अनुसार, आप किस तरह ऊर्जावान बने रह सकते है?
(a) खाना खाकर
(b) सक्रिय रहकर
(c) पानी पीकर
(d) आराम कर
Q 66. दिए हुए गद्यांश में निम्रलिखित में से वह कौन सा शब्द है जिसका अर्थ "विषाद' " होता है?
(a) अवसाद
(b) मधुमेह
(c) अस्वस्थ
(d) सुस्त
Q 67. दिए हुए गद्यांश में निम्नलिखित में से वह कौन सा शब्द है जिसका अर्थ "संसर्ग" होता है ?
(a) वातापेक्षी
(b) छूत
(c) अस्थिबंधन
(d) संक्रमण
निर्देश (68-74) : दिए गए गद्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें एवं प्रश्न का उत्तर दें–
महिला सशक्तीकरण को एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया के रूप में परिभाषित किया जा सकता है, जिसके द्वारा समाज में वित्तीय, मानवीय एवं बौद्धिक संसाधनों पर महिलाओं का नियंत्रण बढ़ाया जा सके। किसी भी देश में महिलाओं के सशक्तीकरण को सामाजिक, आर्थिक और ! राजनीतिक क्षेत्रों में उनकी भागीदारी के पैमाने से मापा जा सकता है। महिलाओं को सही मायनों सशक्त तभी कहा जा सकता है जब महिलाओं का अपना महत्व, उनका अपने जीवन को नियंत्रित करने का अधिकार एवं उनकी समाज में बदलाव लाने की क्षमता से संबंधित सभी उद्देश्य एक साथ पूरे हो रहे हों। आरक्षण के माध्यम से राजनीति में महिलाओं की भागीदारी वर्तमान समय में निस्संदेह एक सकारात्मक विकास है। लेकिन यह सिर्फ चुनाव तक ही सीमित नहीं रहना चाहिए, बल्कि निर्णय लेने की प्रक्रिया, योजना बनाने एवं विकास कार्यक्रमों के क्रियान्वयन में भी महिलाओं की सक्रिय भागीदारी आवश्यक है। महिलाओं के जीवन को प्रभावी ढंग से संतुलित करना होगा एवं इस दिशा में किए गए सभी प्रयासों का लक्ष्य एक ऐसा सामाजिक बदलाव लाने वाला होना चाहिए जिसके द्वारा समाज में पुरुष और महिला शक्तियों के बीच संतुलन का एहसास हो सके।
हालांकि महिलाएँ दुनिया की आबादी के कुल प्रतिशत का लगभग आधा हिस्सा हैं, लेकिन फिर भी दुनिया भर के अधिकांश विकासशील देशों में वे अपने अधिकारों से वंचित हैं। खास तौर पर उत्तरी एवं पूर्वी एशियाई तथा अफ्रीकी देशों में महिलाएँ प्रचलित लैंगिक भेदभाव की वजह से अभावग्रस्त जीवन जीने को मजबूर हैं। ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में महिलाओं की स्थिति शहरी क्षेत्रों में रहने वाली महिलाओं की तुलना में ज्यादा दयनीय है। यह सर्वविदित है कि महिलाएँ पुरुषों के समकक्ष समान अधिकार से वंचित हैं और विकास के लिए महत्वपूर्ण संसाधनों के उत्पादन में भी उनका योगदान एवं भागीदारी कम होने की वजह से वे शक्तिहीन बने रहने को मजबूर हैं। इसलिए यदि हमें महिला सशक्तीकरण के लक्ष्य को समग्रता से प्राप्त करना है तो महिलाओं को पुरुषों के साथ सक्रिय भागीदार बनाना होगा। किसी भी समाज में आधुनिकीकरण के प्रयासों को सफल बनाने के लिए महिलाओं को विकास की मुख्य धारा में शामिल करना जरूरी है। खासकर, हमें ग्रामीण समाज में पुरुषों के प्रति पक्षपाती हुए बिना महिलाओं एवं पुरुषों को: समान अवसर उपलब्ध कराना होगा।
ऐसा संभव हो सके इसके लिए सामाजिक, आर्थिक, राजनीतिक और साथ ही धार्मिक, सभी मोचों पर महिलाओं को इस प्रकार सशक्त बनाने की आवश्यकता है कि वे समाज का विकास करने के सभी प्रयासों में सक्रिय रूप से भाग ले सकें। अगर उन्हें जीवन में सामाजिक, आर्थिक और राजनीतिक सभी क्षेत्रों में समान अवसर प्रदान किए जाएँ तो महिलाओं को सार्वजनिक रूप से सक्रिय जीवन व्यतीत करने की स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त होगी और इससे समाज में एक सकारात्मक परिवर्तन भी लाया जा सकेगा। हमें समाज में: अनुकूल वातावरण बनाने की जरूरत है ताकि महिलाएँ अपने विचारों को स्पष्ट करने में सक्षम हो सके एवं अपने कार्यक्षेत्र में भी अधिक उत्पादक बन सके। उन्हें उनके परिवार, समाज एवं देश के लिए किए जा रहे निर्णयों में समान रूप से शामिल किए जाने की आवश्यकता है।
दुनिया भर में समकालीन समाजों में: सामाजिक एवं delete और आर्थिक विकास के : मोर्चों पर परिवर्तन की प्रमुख प्रक्रियाएँ चल रही है। हालांकि इन प्रक्रियाओं को संतुलित तरीके से लागू नहीं किया जा सका है और इस वजह से पूरी दुनिया में लैंगिक असामनता बढ़ रही है। : और इस वजह से महिलाएँ सबसे ज्यादा पीड़ित हैं। इस स्थिति ने महिला सशक्तीकरण की गति को प्रतिकूल रूप से प्रभावित किया है। इसलिए, हमें एक पूरी तरह से बदले हुए समाज की आवश्यकता है जिसमें महिलाओं को विकास के समान अवसर प्रदान किए जा सकें। ताकि वे पुरुष समकक्षों के साथ व्यापक रूप से समाज के विकास के लिए जरूरी सभी कारकों में समान रूप से अपना योगदान दे सकें।
Q 68. निम्नलिखित में से किस क्षेत्र में महिलाओं की सक्रिय भागीदारी आवश्यक है ?
(a) सामाजिक, आर्थिक और राजनीतिक
(b) सिर्फ सामाजिक
(c) सिर्फ आर्थिक
(d) केवल राजनीतिक
Q 69. विश्व में किस कारण से लैंगिक असमानता बढ़ रही है?
(a) महिला सशक्तीकरण के कारण
(b) महिलाओं पर हो रहे अत्याचार के कारण
(c) सामाजिक विकास में परिवर्तन संतुलित तरीके से लागू न होने के कारण
(d) चुनावों में महिलाओं को आरक्षण देने के कारण
Q 70. महिलाओं को सार्वजनिक रूप से सक्रिय जीवन व्यतीत करने की स्वतंत्रता कब प्राप्त होगी?
(a) जब उन्हें जीवन के सभी क्षेत्रों में समान अवसर प्रदान किए जाएँगे
(b) जब उन्हें चुनाव में आरक्षण मिलेगा
(c) जब उन्हें शिक्षा में छूट मिलेगी
(d) जब उन्हें जीवन का अर्थ समझाया जायेगा
Q 71. लेख के अनुसार, उत्तरी एवं पूर्वी एशियाई तथा अफ्रीकी देशों में क्या हो रहा है?
(a) महिलाएँ पुरुषों से बेहतर हैं
(b) महिलाएँ सशक्त हैं
(c) महिलाएँ चाँद पर जा चुकी हैं
(d) महिलाएँ लैंगिक भेदभाव की शिकार
Q 72. अपने कार्यक्षेत्र में भी अधिक उत्पादक बनने वाली महिलाओं हेतु क्या आवश्यक है?
(a) महिलाओं हेतु अनुकूल वातावरण
(b) महिलाओं हेतु अलग उद्योग
(c) महिलाओं हेतु प्रभावी शिक्षा
(d) महिलाओं हेतु वातानुकूलित कार्यालय
Q 73. दिए हुए गद्यांश में निम्नलिखित में से वह कौन सा शब्द है, जिसका अर्थ "हृदयग्राही' होता है?
(a) दयनीय
(b) करुणाजनक
(c) अभावग्रस्त
(d) वंचित
Q 74. दिए हुए गद्यांश में निम्नलिखित में से वह कौन-सा शब्द है जिसका अर्थ "निष्पादन" होता है ?
(a) अमल
(b) क्रियान्वयन
(c) सशक्तीकरण
(d) शक्तिहनन
निर्देश (75-80) : दिए गए गद्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें एवं प्रश्नों का उत्तर दें–
लोग जल हमारे शरीर और जीवन की बुनियादी आवश्यकता है। जल को सभी जीवित प्राणियों के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण तत्व के रूप में भी जाना जाता है और इस वजह से इसे 'जीवन' के रूप में भी नामांकित किया गया है। इस धरती पर बिना जल जीवन की कल्पना भी नहीं की जा सकती। धरती के तीन-चौथाई हिस्से में जल है किंतु इसमें सिर्फ 2 प्रतिशत ही हमारे लिए उपयोगी है। भारत में कुछ स्थानों पर लोगों को जल की कमी और सूखे हालात का सामना करना पड़ता है, जबकि अन्य स्थानों पर प्रचुर मात्रा में जल की उपलब्धता है। इसलिए ऐसे स्थानों पर रह रहे हैं, जल की ज उपलब्धता है, उन्हें जल का महत्व एवं जल संरक्षण के महत्व का एहसास होना चाहिए।
हम ऐसे समय में जी रहे हैं, जब हमें स्वच्छ जल बचाने एवं इसे हमारी जरूरत के हिसाब से खर्च करने की आवश्यकता है। भारत एवं अन्य देशों के कई स्थानों में लोग जल की बड़ी कमी से जूझ रहे हैं। उन्हें सरकार द्वारा टैंकों के द्वारा की जा रही जल की आपूर्ति या लंबी दूरी पर स्थित कुछ प्राकृतिक जलाशयों पर निर्भर रहना पड़ता है। उन्हें हर रोज पीने के जल की व्यवस्था करने के लिए लंबी दूरी तय करनी पड़ती है। जल की कमी की स्थिति उन लोगों के लिए और भी दयनीय है, जिनके पास अपनी दैनिक जरूरतों जैसे पीने, नहाने-धोने इत्यादि के लिए भी पर्याप्त मात्रा में जल उपलब्ध नहीं है।
भारत दुनिया भर के उन देशों में से एक है जो आज विकराल जल की कमी की समस्या का सामना कर रहे हैं। भारत में राजस्थान एवं गुजरात के कुछ हिस्से तो ऐसे हैं जहाँ घरों की लड़कियों एवं महिलाओं को नंगे पैर सिर्फ बर्तन भर जल के लिए लंबी दूरी तय करनी पड़ती है। कुछ शहरों जैसे कि बैंगलुरू में लोगो को स्वच्छ जल की एक बोतल खरीदने के लिए 25 रु. से 30 रु. तक चुकाने पड़ते हैं। हाल ही में एक अध्ययन के अनुसार 25 प्रतिशत शहरी आबादी को स्वच्छ जल उपलब्ध नहीं है। गर्मियों के महीनों में जल की दैनिक आवश्यकता बढ़ जाने की वजह से लोगों को और भी अधिक समस्या का सामना करना पड़ता है। कुछ क्षेत्रों में जल निकायों का निजीकरण जल की कमी का मुख्य कारण है।
जल की कमी की समस्या से निपटने के लिए हम विभिन्न तरीकों का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं। वर्षा जल संग्रहण जल संरक्षण की विभिन्न तकनीकों में से सबसे प्रभावी एवं उपयुक्त विधि है। वनरोपण भी एक सर्वोत्तम विधि है, जो सतही अपवाह को कम कर देता है एवं भूजल को रीचार्ज करता है। यह भूमिगत जल संरक्षण को बढ़ावा देता है। ऐसे तरीकों को अपनाकर हम प्राकृतिक रूप से और भी अधिक जल का संरक्षण कर सकते हैं और साथ ही भावी पीढ़ियों के लिए इसकी उपलब्धता सुनिश्चित कर सकते हैं। हमें प्रतिज्ञा लेने होगी एवं हमारा आजीवन आदर्श वाक्य होना चाहिए- "जल बचाओ, जीवन बचाओ, पृथ्वी बचाओ"।
हमें अपने बच्चों एवं परिवार के अन्य सदस्यों को जल संरक्षण के साधारण तरीके सिखाने होंगे, जैसे कि हर इस्तेमाल के बाद नल को कस कर बंद करना, बगीचे में जल देने के लिए फव्वारों का इस्तेमाल, पालतू जानवरों को बगीचे में नहलाना, सभी रिसाव वाले पाईपों की नौवें में जल देने एवं कपड़े धोने के लिए वर्षा जल संग्रहण कर उसका इस्तेमाल इत्यादि। हमें नदियों (खासकर गंगा) के जल को : भविष्य में इस्तेमाल के लिए एवं जलीय जीवों की सुरक्षा के लिए स्वच्छ रखना चाहिए। जल जीवन : के लिए अमृत है और इसलिए हमें इसे बचाना :चाहिए ताकि धरती पर जीवन को बचाया जा सके। हमें हमारे जीवन की कई दैनिक आवश्यकताओं की पूर्ति के लिए जल की आवश्यकता पड़ती है और इसलिए हमें जल की बूंदों का मूल्य समझते हुए इनका संरक्षण करना चाहिए।
Q 75. लेख के अनुसार, धरती के कितने प्रतिशत हिस्से में जल नहीं है?
(a) 75
(b) 2
(c) 25
(d) 0.75
Q 76. वनरोपण भूमिगत जल संरक्षण को किस प्रकार बढ़ावा देता है?
(a) सतही अपवाह को कम कर
(b) बादल को आकर्षित कर
(c) जड़ों तक पानी पहुँचाकर
(d) भूजल को रिचार्ज कर
Q 77. लेख के अनुसार, फव्वारों का इस्तेमाल किसलिए करना चाहिए?
(a) कपड़े धोना
(b) पशुओं को नहलाना
(c) स्वयं के नहाने हेतु
(d) पौधों में जल देना
Q 78. एक अध्ययन के अनुसार, शहरी आबादी में 100 में से कितने लोग स्वच्छ जल प्राप्त कर रहे हैं?
(a) 75
(b) 25
(c) 10
(d) 60
Q 79. जलाशयों से दूर स्थानों में सरकार पानी. द्वारा पहुँचा रही है।
(a) बोतलों
(b) बाँधों
(c) टैंकों
(d) नदी
Q 80. दिए हुए गद्यांश में निम्नलिखित में से वह कौन-सा शब्द है जिसका अर्थ "विपुल" होता है ?
(a) प्रचुर
(b) संपन्न
(c) सुनिश्चित
(d) पर्याप्त
Q 81. दिए गए अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द चुनें- 'जिस सेना में हाथी, घोड़े, रथी और पैदल हों'
(a) चतुरंगिणी
(b) अक्षोयिनी
(c) चक्रव्यहू
(d) नौसेना
Q 82. दिए गए अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द चुनें- 'जो सुनने योग्य हो'
(a) सुननीय
(b) श्रव्य
(c) कर्णप्रिय
(d) सरगम
Q 83. 'मुदित महीपति मंदिर आये, सेवक सचिव सुमंत्र बुलाये'- निम्न में से किस अलंकार का उदाहरण है?
(a) अनुप्रास
(b) यमक
(c) रुपक
(d) अतिशयोक्ति
Q 84. जिस जगह एक ही शब्द एक से अधिक बार प्रयुक्त हो, लेकिन उस शब्द का अर्थ हर बार भिन्न-भिन्न हो, वहाँ निम्न में से कोन सा अलंकार होता है।
(a) रुपक
(b) यमक
(c) अनुप्रास
(d) भ्रांतिमान
Q 85. 'गाय' निम्न में से कौन सी प्रकार की संज्ञा का उदाहरण है?
(a) जातिवाचक
(b) समूहवाचक
(c) व्यक्तिवाचक
(d) भाववाचक
Q 86. 'खाल उधेड़ना' मुहावरे का अर्थ बतायें।
(a) भेड़ का ऊन निकालना
(b) चमड़ी हटाना
(c) बहुत पिटाई करना
(d) चोट लगना
Q 87. 'तात' निम्न में से कौन से विकल्प का पर्यायवाची शब्द है?
(a) पिता
(b) सत्य
(c) मोर
(d) बादल
Q 88. वर्णों के सार्थक मेल को क्या कहा जाता हैं?
(a) शब्द
(b) पद
(c) वाक्य
(d) संधि
Q 89. 'औसत' निम्न में से किस विदेशी भाषा का शब्द है?
(a) यूनानी
(b) अरबी
(c) फारसी
(d) तुर्की
Q 90. 'सभापति' का स्त्रीलिंग रूप निम्न में से क्या है ?
(a) सभानेत्री
(b) सभापत्या
(c) उपसभापति
(d) सभापन्नी
Q 91. भीमकाय राक्षस भागा' - इस वाक्य में विशेषण है
(a) राक्षस
(b) भीम
(c) भीमकाय
(d) भागा
Q 92. 'वर्तनी' को उर्दू में क्या कहते हैं?
(a) हिज्जे
(b) हज्जी
(c) हाजा
(d) हजा
93. निम्न वाक्य में रखांकित पद की वर्तनी अशुद्ध है; दिए गए विकल्पों में से शुद्ध वर्तनी का सही विकल्प चुनें। व्यायाम से शरीर निरोग रहता है।
(a) नीरोगी
(b) निरोग
(c) निरोग्य
(d) निरोग
Q 94. 'अंबु" का अर्थ जल होता है, परंतु इसके समरूपी शब्द "अंब" का अर्थ........होता है।
(a) अभिमान
(b) पिता
(c) आकाश
(d) माता
Q 95. निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में दो शब्दों को जोड़ा (प्रथमः द्वितीय) दिया जा रहा है। वह जोड़ा ज्ञात करें जिसमें द्वितीय शब्द का अर्थ प्रथम शब्द के विपरीत हो ।
(a) भौतिक आध्यात्मिक
(b) अतुल अनोखा
(c) दंभ दर्प
(d) सोम: पीयूष
Q 96. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा शब्द "तिमिर" का विलोमार्थी है?
(a) अंधकार
(b) मिहीर
(c) प्रकाश
(d) विशाल
Q 97. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा शब्द "विहंगम' की जगह प्रयुक्त नहीं किया जा सकता हैं?
(a) खाई
(b) चंद्र
(c) बादल
(d) सूर्य
Q 98. निम्नलिखित वाक्य में रेखांकित किये हुए भाग में कौन सा पदबंध है?
'अखबार बेचने वाला लड़का आज दिखाई 44 नहीं दिया।"
(a) क्रिया
(b) संज्ञा
(c) विशेषण
(d) क्रिया-विशेषण
Q 99. इतर का अभिन्न से वही संबंध है जो कलुष का........से है।
(a) पुण्य
(b) आरुष
(c) आयुष
(d) पुरुष
Q 100. "हर बार" एक..............क्रिया विशेषण है।
(a) परिमाणवाचक
(b) रीतिवाचक
(c) स्थानवाचक
(d) कालवाचक
Q 101. ..............परिणामदर्शक समानाधिकरण समुच्चयबोधक अव्यय है।
(a) अतएव
(b) वरन्
(c) पर
(d) बल्कि
Q 102. निम्नलिखित संधि-विच्छेद की संधि क्या होगी?
"नि: + उपम"
(a) निरुपम
(b) निपम
(c) निष्पम
(d) नियापम
Q 103. "खारा-खोटा" में कौन-सा समास पाया जाता है ?
(a) द्विगु
(b) द्वंद्व
(c) तत्पुरुष
(d) बहुब्रीहि
Q 104. निम्नलिखित मुहावरे का अर्थ क्या “जीती मक्खी निगलना"
(a) जानबूझकर गलती करना
(b) मक्खी पकड़कर खा लेना
(c) मिर्ची लगना
(d) उलटी आ जाना
Q 105. "मरण" का विलोम बताए?
(a) मोक्ष
(b) मृत्यु
(c) जीवन
(d) शांति
Q 106. "टोपी पहनाना का अर्थ क्या है?
(a) बेवकूफ बनाना
(b) लटकाना
(c) हसाना
(d) नाचना
Q 107. "कोकिला" शब्द का पर्यायवाची क्या है?
(a) कोयल
(b) मोर
(c) वन
(d) चिड़िया
Q 108. निम्नलिखित में से क्या रूपक अलंकार का उदाहरण है?
(a) मन-सागर, मनसा लहरी, बूड़े-बहे अनेक
(b) हरि मुख मानो मधुर मयंक
(c) सोहत ओढ़े पीत पट स्याम सलोने गात
(d) मनहु नील मनि सैल पर आतप परयो प्रभात
Q 109. "इकहरा" में निम्नलिखित में से किस प्रकार का विशेषण है?
(a) गुणवाचक
(b) परिमाणवाचक
(c) संख्यावाचक
(d) सार्वनामिक
Q 110. "व्यवधान" शब्द का संधि-विच्छेद करने पर......,उपसर्ग के रूप में प्राप्त होगा।
(a) व्यव
(b) व्य
(c) वय
(d) व्
Q 111. "अगला", निम्नलिखित में से किस प्रकार का विशेषण है?
(a) केवल स्थितिबोधक गुणवाचक
(b) केवल संख्यावाचक
(c) परिमाणवाचक एवं निश्चित संख्यावाचक
(d) निश्चित संख्यावाचक एवं निश्चित परिमाणवाचक
Q 112. निम्नलिखित वाक्य में एक शब्द के गलत प्रयोग से वाक्य गलत हो गया है। वह शब्द ज्ञात करें। "ये सब आपकी कृपाएँ हैं।
(a) सब
(b) आपकी
(c) ये
(d) कृपाएँ
Q 113. निम्नलिखित वाक्य को सरल वाक्य में परिवर्तित करें।
"मैंने पैर रखा और ब्रेक टूट गया"
(a) मेरे पैर रखने पर ब्रेक टूट गया
(b) मैंने पैर रखा तो ब्रेक टूट गया
(c) ब्रेक टूट गया पैर रखते ही
(d) मैं पैर रखा, ब्रेक टूट गया
Q 114. "जैसा" शब्द का निम्नलिखित में से किस रूप में प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है?
(a) विशेषण
(b) क्रिया-विशेषण
(c) सर्वनाम
(d) क्रिया
Q 115. "अनेक चित्रकारों ने सुंदर चित्र बनाए को कर्मवाच्य में परिवर्तित करे।
(a) अनेक चित्रकारों द्वारा सुंदर चित्र बनाए गए
(b) अनेक चित्रकार सुंदर चित्र बनाकर चले गए
(c) अनेक चित्रकार सुंदर चित्र बनाते हैं
(d) इस वाक्य में बदलाव संभव नहीं है
Q 116. निकट की वस्तुओं को संबोधति करने हेतु किस निश्चवाचक सर्वनाम का प्रयोग किया जाता है?
(a) वह
(b) वे
(c) यह
(d) कोई
Q 117. ..................तू (मध्यम पुरुष) के संबंध कारक का एकवचन रूप नहीं है।
(a) तेरे लिए
(b) तेरा
(c) तेरी
(d) तेरे
Q 118. "ज्येष्ठ" का तद्भव रूप क्या होगा?
(a) ज्येष्ठा
(b) जेठानी
(c) जेठमलानी
(d) जेठ
Q 119. मध्यकालीन आर्य भाषा काल को प्राकृत भाषा काल भी कहा जाता है। पालि काल को.............प्राकृत-काल कहा जाता है।
(a) प्रथम
(b) तृतीय
(c) द्वितीय
(d) चतुर्थ
Q 120. समास में कोई भी पद प्रधान नहीं होता?
(a) कर्मधारय समास
(b) द्विगु समास
(c) द्वंद्व समास
(d) बहुव्रीहि समास
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