Jharkhand Board Class 7TH English Notes | From A Railway Carriage
JAC Board Solution For Class 7TH English Chapter 18
(रेल के एक डिब्बे से)
पाठ का सारांश
Faster than fairies ................ cattle. [Page-116]
हिन्दी अनुवाद―प्रस्तुत कविता 'फ्रॉम ए रेलवे कैरेज' के कवि हैं रॉबर्ट
लुईस स्टीवेन्सन (जन्म-दिसम्बर 13, 1850 तथा मृत्यु 3 दिसम्बर 1894
जो स्कॉटलैंड के प्रसिद्ध कवि, उपन्यासकार व यात्रा लेखक थे।
इस कविता में कवि ने अपनी पहली रेल यात्रा का वर्णन किया है। कवि
रेलगाड़ी की तेज गति से आश्चर्यचकित था। वह कहते है कि ट्रेन की स्पीड
यानी गति/चाल परियों और चुडैलों से भी तेज थी। रेल इतनी तेज गति से दौड़
रही थीं कि पुल-पुलिया, झाडीदार पौधे, गढ्ढे-नाले, एक क्षण को ही दिख
पाते और लुप्त हो जाते, गायब हो जाते थे। रेल किसी सेना की आक्रमण करने
वाली टुकड़ी की तेज चाल से चल रही थी। गुजर रही थी उन चारागाहों से
होकर जहाँ घोड़ों, गाय-बैल आदि पशु घास चरते, घूमते दिख रहे थे।
All of the sights ....... stations whistle by. [Page-116]
हिन्दी अनुवाद―कई प्रकार के दृश्य ट्रेन से कवि देख रहा था–
पहाड़ियाँ/पहाड़ और समतल मैदान जो कि ऐसे आँखों से ओझल हो जाते थे
मानो वर्षा की एक झड़ी झपकते रंगीन मकान और स्टेशन की बिल्डिंग-प्लेटफार्म
दिखते और ओझल हो जाते।
Here is a child ....... stringing the daisies. [Page-116]
हिन्दी अनुवाद―कवि की नजर बीच सड़क पर बोझा ढोते एक भाड़ा
गाड़ी (कार्ट/cart) पर पढ़ी जो आदमी और माल की मुश्किल से ढोते
लड़खड़ा कर जैसे आगे बढ़ रही थी। उसे ट्रेन से पहाडू भी दिखा और एक
नदी भी। ये सारे दृश्य क्षणिक देर को दिखते और फौरन नजरों से
ओझल/गायब हो जाते-ऐसी थी ट्रेन की तेज चाल जिस पर मुग्ध हो कवि
ने यह कविता बाद में लिखी।
Lumping (लम्पिंग) = लादना। Stringing(स्ट्रींगींग) = डोरी लगाना।
Brambles (बैम्बल्स) = झड़बेरी, काँटेदार झाड़ी। Clambers and
scrambles (क्लैम्बर्स एण्ड स्कैम्बल्स) = मुश्किल से चढ़ना, उबड़-खाबड़
चढ़ाई | Grazes (गेजेज) = पूरता है। Wink (विन्क) = आँखें झपकना,
आँखें मारना, पलक झपकना। Witches (विस) = चुड़ैल। Hedges
(हेजेज) = काटों या झाड़ी की मेड़। Troops (ट्रुप्स) = सैनिकों की
टुकड़ी। Meadows (मेडोज) = चारागाह, घास का मैदान। Ditches
(डिचेज) = खाई, गड्ढा, नाला। Cattle (कैटल) = मवेशी, गाय-बैल।
Charging (चार्जिंग) = आक्रमण करना। Tramp (ट्रैम्प) = पैदल चलना।
Daisies (डेजीज) = गुलबहार के फूलों। Load (लोड) = भार। Glimpsc
(ग्लिम्प्स) = झलक, क्षणिक दृष्टि | Forever (फॉरएवर) = सदा के लिए।
Explore the Text
□ Read the following stanza carefully and answer
the questions that follow―
1. Faster than fairies, fastter than witches,
Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches:
And charging along like troops in a battle,
All though the meadows the horses and cattle.
(a) What is faster than fairies?
(b) What things do we see from a railway carriage
(c) Who is the poet of this stanza?
Ans.(a) The scene rushing by a faster than fairies.
(b) We see the things from a railway carriege window are
bridges, houses, hedges, ditches etc.
(c) Robert Louis Stevenson is the poet of this stanza.-4
□ Answer the following questions:
Q.1. Who is the poet of From a Railway carriage' ?
Ans. Robert Louis Stevenson is the poet of From a Railway
Q.2.What is the poem all about ?
Ans. The things he can see from a railway carriage window.
Everything seems to be rushing by outside.
Q.3. What are things the poet can see from the railway
Ans. Faster than fairies, faster than witches, bridge and
houses, hedges and ditches, And charging along like troops
a battle. All through the meadows the horses and cattle.
Q. 4. Do you think the hill and the plain are really
Ans. All of the sights of the hill and the plain, fly as thick
as driving rain: And ever again, in the wink of an eye, painted
stations whistle by.
Q. 5. What is the child doing?
Ans. Here is a child who clambers and scrambles.
Q. 6. The last line of the poem says 'Each a glimpse and
gone for ever'. What does the poet want to convey through
this line ?
Ans. Here is a cart run away in the road, lumping along
with man and load; And here is a hill, and there a river. The
poet is writing about the things he can see from a railway
carriage window. Everything seems to be rushing by outside.
□ Make the plural form of these words―
(a) Fairy (b) Bridge (c) House (d) Hedge
Ans. (a) Fairies (b) Bridges (c) Houses (d) Hedges.
□ At a Railway Station the passengers are
engaged in their jobs. People are engaged in
taking and other jobs. The scene created there
and experience are given in a paragraph in
which some words are not given. Fill in the
blanks with appropriate words from your
reasoning to complete the paragraph―
Last Sunday, I went to the Ranchi station to see off my
friend. He was going to Kolkata by the Howrah Express.
The platform was crowded with all sorts of people. There
was a long (a).............. in front of the (b)............. window.
Everyone seemed to be in hurry. I bought the (c) ..........
and came off. We soon reached the (d) ............ The scene
there was very interesting. Some passengers were talking
while some were (e) .................. newspaper. A few were
bacing up and down the platform. Coolies were seen
carrying heavy bundles of (f) ........................ on their heads.
Ans.(a) queue (b) ticket (c) ticket (d) station (e) reading
(f) lauggage.