JAC Board Solutions : Jharkhand Board TextBook Solutions for Class 12th, 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th, 7th, 6th

    Jharkhand Board Class 7TH English Notes | Where the Mind is without Fear   

   JAC Board Solution For Class 7TH English Chapter 6

                            (जहाँ मन डर के बिना है)

                          कविता का हिन्दी अनुवाद

Where the mind ............. my country awake. [Page -39]
प्रस्तुत कविता 'वेअर द माइन्ड इज विदाउट फीयर' के कवि हैं गुरुदेव
रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर। जिन्होंने 'शांति निकेतन' नामक प्रसिद्ध विद्यालय की स्थापना
की थी। उन्हें 1913 ई. में कविता संग्रह 'गीतांजलि' के लिए साहित्य का
नोबेल पुरस्कार प्रदान किया गया था।
प्रस्तुत कविता में कवि का कथन है―
जहाँ मन भय से मुक्त हो,
                और मस्तक सम्मान से उठा हो।
जहाँ ज्ञान स्वतन्त्र हो,
                जहाँ संसार संकीर्ण घरेलू दीवारों से
टुकड़ों में ना तोड़ा गया हो।
                 जहाँ विचार सच्चाई की
गहराई से उपजते हों,
                 जहाँ अथक प्रयास
अपनी बाँहें पूर्णता की ओर बढ़ाते हों।
                जहाँ विवेक की निर्मल धारा
अन्धविश्वासों के मरुस्थल की,
                 नकरात्मक रेत में ना हो खोयी।
जहाँ मन आपसे प्रेरित होकर,
                  निरन्तर, प्रगतिशील विचारों और
कर्मठता की ओर बढ़ता हो।
                    उस स्वतंत्रता के स्वर्ग में
हे परमपिता !
                     मेरे देश को जागृत कर।

                              WORD MEANING

Fragment (फ्रैगमेन्ट) = छोटे-छोटे टुकड़े। Narrow (नैरो) = संकरा।
Tireless (टायरलेस) = अथक, लगातार (प्रयल) बिना थके। Striving
(स्ट्राविंग) = अधिक परिश्रम से। Perfection (परफैक्शन) = पूर्णत, सम्पूर्णता।
Dreary (ड्रेअरी) = बेहद उदास/ मन्द। Freedom (फ्रीडम) = आजादी।
Without (विदाउट) = बिना, बगैर। Fear (फीअर) = भय। Held high
(हेल्ड हाई) = ऊंचा रहा। Knowledge (नॉलेज) = ज्ञान। Free (फ्री) =
(यहाँ) बिना शुल्क/ धन के। Broken up (ब्रोकेन अप) = बट जाना, टूट
जाना। Awake (अवेक) = जागो।

                                     Explore the Poem

□ Read the following stanza carefully and answer
the questions that follow―
1. "Where the mind is without fear
and the head is held high:
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into
fragments by narrow domestic walls."
(a) What does the poet mean by the head is held high?
(b) Explain what does the poet mean by 'where
knowledge is free?
(c) What are narrow domestic walls?
Ans. (a) The poet means to say that our countrymen
should live with pride and dignity.

(b) The poet means to say that our countrymen should
have the opportunity to take education free and
available to everyone.

(c) The narrow domestic walls mean that there were no
friction among our countrymen. Our countrymen
should not b narrow minded.

2. "Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into
the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
(a) What does the poet compare 'reason' and 'dead habit'
to ?
(b) Which line means, 'Endiess efforts are made to
achieve the best quality?
(c) Who is the poet of this stanza ?
Ans. (a) The poet compares reason to clear dream and
dead habit to deadly deserts.

(b) 'Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards
perfection means Endiess efforts are made to achieve
the best quality.

(c) Rabindranath Tagore is the poet of the stanza.

□ Answer the following questions:
Q. 1. According to the poet what should countrymen
strive towards.
Ans. According to poet countrymen strive toward hard
work. Poet wants that his every countrymen have to work hard
to teach their goal and in a long run to reach perfection. He
thinks people should not be tired by working and not be lazy
and ignore their work.

Q. 2. Name two qualities the poet wishes to see in his
countrymen in the poem ?
Ans. Poet wants his countrymen is in unity and truthful
towards their nation. These two qualities poet wants to see in
his countrymen.

Q.3. What does the poet mean "ever widening thought
on action" ?
Ans. The poet wishes his countrymen to be progressive
and broad-minded. He wants that their minds are "led forward"
to "every widening thought and action" by the Almighty.

Q.4. What kind of a heaven does the poet pray for his
Ans. The poet prays to the Almighty to raise or lift his
country to such heights where freedom would be realised at its
best (a heaven of freedom).

Q. 5. Whom do you think the poct addresses as "Father"
in the last line ?
Ans. The poet addresses "God" as father.

□ Match the words given in Column-A with their
meanings in Column-B―
Column-A             Column-B 
(a) fear                  (i) you
(b) knowledge      (ii) large sandy piece of land
(c) thee                  (iii) not having
(d) desert               (iv) feeling which one has when
                                       in danger
(e) without              (v) things known
Ans. (a)-(iv). (b)-(v), (c)-(i), (d)- (ii), (e) - (iii).

□ Fill in missing facts about, Rabindranath Tagore
to complete his profile―
(a) Born on (Date)                               ................
(b) Died on (Date)                               ...............               
(c) year of winning the Nobel Prize. ...............
(d) Founded which learning place.   ...............
(e) Some stories written by him.      ...............
(f) Collection of poems                     ...............
Ans. (a) 7th May, 1861
(b) 7th August, 1941
(c) 1913
(d) Shanti Niketan
(e) Kabuliwala, Postmaster,Gona
(f) Geetanjali

□ Fill in the blanks with 'into' or 'in to'―
(a) She threw the garbage ................. (into / in to) the
trash can.
(b) Iran.................. (into / in to the store to buy some
(c) They moved the function .............. (into/into) fix
the television. 
(e) The giri turned .............. (into/ in to) a beautiful
Ans. (a) into (b) in to, (c) in to, (d) in to (e) into.



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