JAC Board Solutions : Jharkhand Board TextBook Solutions for Class 12th, 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th, 7th, 6th

  Jharkhand Board Class 6TH English Notes | Indian Weavers  

   JAC Board Solution For Class 6TH English Chapter 14

                                        (भारतीय जुलाहे)

                                        पाठ का सारांश
पढ़ने से पहले-त्याहारों के समय आप कैसे कपड़े पहनते हैं ?
कपड़े हमारे दैनिक जीवन के महत्त्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हैं । विभिन्न ऋतुओं में हम
विभिन्न बुनावों के कपड़े पहनते हैं। तो भी क्या हम उनलोगों के बारे में
सोचते हैं जो हमारे लिए ये कपड़े बुनते हैं? यह कविता उन बुनकरों को
समर्पित है।

Weavers, weaving...............new born child.         [Page - 80]
जुलाहे, सुबह में कपड़ा बुनने वाले, इतना प्रसन्न चित्रत हो तुम क्यों
कपड़ा बुनते हो? एक जंगली काल्पनिक पक्षी हैलसिऑन के नीले पंखों
के समान नवजात शिशु के लिए हम कपड़े बुनते हैं।

Weavers, weaving...................veilsofa queen.
जुलाहे. इतनी देर रात तक इतना चमकीला कपड़ा क्यों बुनते हो?
मोर के पंख के समान बैगनी और हरी चुनरी हम एक रानी के विवाह के
लिए बुनते हैं।

Weavers, weaving....................funeralshroud.
जुलाहे. इतना गंभीर होकर चाँदनी रात में तुम क्या बुनते हो ? पंखों
सा सफेद ओर बादल-सा उजला एक मृत आदमी का कफन बुनता हूँ।
कवि को जानें- सरोजनी नायडू (1879-1949) स्वतंत्रता सेनानी
और कवयित्री थीं। उनकी कविताएँ तत्कालीन भारत के जीवन और
घटनाओं का चित्रण करती हैं। उनकी कविताएँ भारत के साथ अन्य देशों
में भी लोकप्रिय हैं।

                                   Words meaning

At break of day (एट ब्रेक ऑफ डे)― सुबह, प्रभात । Haleyon
(हेलसिऑन)― काल्पनिक पक्षी। Garment (गारमेंट)― पोशाक ।
Wild (वाइल्ड)― जंगली । Robes (रोबिस)― महीन कपड़े । Plumes
(प्लम्स)- पंखों, डैनों | Veils (वेइल्स)-ओढ़नी, चुनरी । Solemn
and still (सोलम्न एण्ड स्टिल)― गंभीर । Funeral shroud (फनरल
श्राउड)- रामनामी चादर, कफन । Moonlight chill (मूनलाइट चिल)―
ठंडी रात ।

                                          Explore the Text

□  Answer the following questions :
1. The poem refers to three different stages of a person's
life. What are they?
Ans. The poet refers to three stages of person's life―
Childhood, Adulthood and Old age. (Death)

2. Describe the type of cloth woven by the weavers, as
mentioned in the first stanza.
Ans. The weaver weaves beautiful clothes which are bright
and is of brilliant blue colour.

3. The weavers have woven the marriage veils of the
queen in which colour? The colour indicates which feeling ?
Ans. The weavers have women the marriage veil of queen
in sparkling shades of green and purple colours. It inducates.
feeling of harmony, energy, freshness power, ambition, which
indicates royalty luxury etc.

4. Why are the weavers described as 'solemn and stilly
in the third stanza ?
Ans. The weavers have become solemn and still as they
are concentrating on their work and on nothing else as if they
have dead line by which they have to finish the job and it is
also very cold outside and they are not happy while weaving
a funeral shroud.

□ Explain the following expressions :
(a) halcyon wild (b) fall of night
(c) funeral shroud
Ans. (a) A halycon wild: It is the tropical bird found in
Asia and Africa and clothes of the newborn baby is of blue
colour like the wings of the halycon bird.

(b) Fall of night: Sunset and the moon has in and night
has come.

(c) Funeral shroud: A cloth that covers a dead body.

                                  Word Power

□ Complete the following summary of the poem
by filling in eaah blank with words from the
box below:
funeral   serious   weavers  peacock  night
clouds   night        morning  wedding  dress
feather   cloth       blue
The narrator notices ............... busy weaving .............
They do this from .............. to .......She wonders
why are they weaving such a ........... fabric, early in the
morning. The weavers tell her that they are weaving the ..............
cloth for a newborn baby. At the fall of ................... they are
busy weaving a ................... for the queen. The colour of that
cloth is similar to the feathers of a ..................... The weavers
are in a .................. mood late at night as they are weaving cloth
for a dead man's ...................... It is white like a ................. and
the ................... In short, they weave for different occasions
in a person's life.
       Ans. The narrator notices weavers busy weaving cloth.
They do this from morning to night. She wonders why are
they weaving such a fine fabric, early in the morning. The
weavers tell her that they are weaving the blue cloth for a
newborn baby. At the fall of night they are busy weaving a
wedding dress for the queen. The colour of that cloth is similar
to the feathers of a peacock. The weavers are in a serious
mood late at night as they are weaving cloth for a dead man's
funeral. It is white like a feather and the clouds. In short, they
weave for different occasions in a person's life.



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