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Jharkhand Board Class 10 English Notes | Two Stories about Flying Solutions Chapter 3

3. Two Stories about Flying           ― Liam O'Flaherty
                     1. His First Flight―Lian O'Flaherty
                   II. Black Aeroplane―Frederick Forsyth
                                   Questions on Extract
Read the passages given below and answer the questions
that follow each:
Extract-1. That was twenty-four hours ago. Since then
nobody had come near him. The day before, all day long, he had
watched his parents flying about with his brothers and sister,
perfecting them in the art of flight, teaching them how to skim the
waves and how to dive for fish. He had, in fact, seen his older
brother catch his first herring and devour it, standing on a rock,
while his parents circled around raising a proud cackle. And all
the morning the whole family had walked about on the big plateau
midway down the opposite cliff taunting him with his cowardice.
Q. (a) What was twenty four hours ago?
(b) Give two lessons that the young seagull's parents taught
his brothers and sister.
(c) How did his parents show their pride at his older
(d) Why did the whole family taunt the seagull?
(e) Find out a word from the passage which means :
Ans.(a) The parents of the young seagull had flown from him
twenty-four hours ago.
(b) The first lesson was how to skim the waves. The second
was how to dive for fish.
(c) His parents showed their pride at the ability of his older
brother's catching his first herring and swallowing it.
(d) The whole family taunted the seagull at his cowardice for
not flying.
(e) It is 'devour

Extract-2. Then a monstrous terror seized him and his heart
stood still. He could hear nothing. But it only lasted a minute. The
next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. The wind rushed
against his breast feathers, then under his stomach, and against his
wings. He could feel the tips of his wings cutting through the air.
He was not falling headlong now. He was soaring gradually
downwards and outwards. He was no longer afraid. He just felt a
bit dizzy. Then he flapped his wings once and he soared upwards.

Q. (a) What was the monstrous terror that seized the seagull?
(b) What instinctive action saved the seagull when he was
falling down?
(c) How did the seagull feel then and after?
(d) How did he feel when he flapped his wings for the first
time ?
(e) Find words from the passage which mean:
(i) caught (ii) moved up and down
Ans.(a) The monstrous terror was that he was going to fall from
such a great height. He would dic because he did not
know flying.
(b) It was to spread out his wings for flying. It stopped his fall
and he started flying upwards.
(c) He felt a little dizzy but no longer afraid.
(d) He cried out joyfully at his ability to fly.
(e) (i) seized
(ii) flapped
Extract-1. The young seagull was alone on his ledge. His
two brothers and his sister had already flown away the day before,
He had been afraid to fly with them. Somehow when he had taken
a little run forward to the brink of the ledge and attempted to flap
his wings he became afraid.The great expanse of sea stretched
down beneath, and it was such a long way down-miles down.
The great expanse of sea stretched down beneath, and it was
such a long way down - miles down. He felt certain that his wings
would never support him, so he bent his head and ran away back
to the little hole under the ledge where he slept at night. Even
when each of his brothers and his little sister, whose wings were
far shorter than his own, ran to the brink, flapped their wings, and
flew away, he failed to muster up courage to take that plunge
which appeared to him so desperate.

Q. (a) Who was alone on his ledge ?
(b) Who flew away the day before ?
(c) Why was the young seagull afraid to fly?
(d) What was stretched down beneath?
(e) How did his brothers and sister fly away?
(f) Find words from the passage which mean "tried", "to
gather up".
Ans.(a) The young seagull was alone on his ledge.
(b) His two brothers and his sister had flown away the day
(c) The great expanse of sea stretched down beneath the
ledge made the young seagull afraid.
(d) The great expanse of sea was stretched down beneath.
(e) His brothers and sister ran to the brink, flapped their
wings and flew away.
(f) attempted', 'muster up'.

Extract-2. The moon was coming up in the east, behind me.
and stars were shining in the clear sky above me. There wasn't a
cloud in the sky. I was happy to be alone high up above the sleeping
countryside. I was flying my old Dakota acroplane over France
back to England. I was dreaming of my holiday and looking forward
to being with my family. I looked at my watch: one thirty in the
   'I should call Paris control soon, I thought. [JAC 2009 (A); 2015 (A)]

Q. (a) Who is 'me' here in the first line?
(b) What indicates that the weather was fine at that time?
(c) Which two things made the pilot happy?
(d) Why did he think of calling Paris Control?
(e) Find a word from the passage which means : Without
any company '.
Ans.(a) 'Me' here is the pilot of the Dakota aeroplane.
(b) The rising moon, the stars and cloudless sky indicate that
the weather was fine.
(c) The coming holiday and the meeting with the family
made him happy.
(d) He thought of calling Paris Control to report where his
aeroplane was at that time. He also wanted to know the
direction of the route to England.
(e) 'alone

                      Long Type Questions and Answer
Q 1. Describe how the young seagull made his maiden
Ans. The young seagull was greatly afraid of flying. His
parents, brothers and sister had left him alone for twenty-four hours.
He was very hungry. He had no self-confidence to fly. His parent
rebuked him that if he did not fly he would die of hunger. He was
mad with hunger. So he called out his mother. She came with a
piece of fish. She offered it to him. But he was not able to catch it
So he dived for it in desperation. He fell outwards and downwards
into space due to fear. But the next moment he felt his wings
spread outwards. The wind rushed past his feathers, wings and
stomach. He was flying and not falling headlong now. He screamed
in joy due to his success in flying. It was his maiden flight.

Q. 2. Describe how the young seagull landed on the surface
water. How was he welcomed by the members of his family?
Ans. The young seagull had made his maiden flight
successfully. He was crying in joy due to his flying. His father was
flying over him screaming. His brothers and sister were also flying.
diving and soaring. Then he forgot that he could not fly. He was
now near the sea. He saw a vast green sea beneath him. His parents,
brothers and sister had landed on this green flooring. He dropped
his legs to stand on the green sea. But he sank into it. He tried to
rise again flapping his wings. His feet sank into the green sea. His
belly touched it. He sank no farther. He was floating on it. His
family was screaming in joy and praising him. They were offering
him pieces of dog-fish.

Q. 3. Why was the young seagull left alone on the ledge by
the members of his family?
Ans. The young seagull was terribly afraid of flying His
parents wanted him to fly with them. But whenever he took a little
run forward to fly, he got frightened. He failed to gather up the
courage to fly. His two brothers and his sister had already started
flying. They had smaller wings than those of his. But the young
seagull felt that his wings would not support him. Due to this he
couldn't fly. His parents rebuked him for this. They warned him
that unless he flew, he would die of starvation. But he couldn't fly.
So they flew leaving him alone on the ledge as a warning to make
him fly.

Q. 4. Do you think hunger was the only good motivation
which made the young seagull fly his maiden flight.
Ans. It is true that hunger motivated the young seagull fly
his maiden flight. The members of his family had already left him
on the ledge because he could not fly. His parents rebuked him in
shrill voice. They warned him that he would starve to death if he
did not fly. He was greatly hungry. He screamed to his mother for
food. His mother flew nearer to him with a piece of fish in her beak.
But she stopped when she came opposite to him. He felt that he
must do something to get food. So he dived to catch the food from
his mother's beak. This was his first attempt to fly. At once, his
wings opened up outwards. He saw that he was flying and not
falling. His fear was gone. He was enjoying his flight.

Q. 5. "The sight of the food maddened him." Why did the
seagull's father compel the young seagull to finally fly?
Ans. Since the previous nightfall, the young scagull had
eaten nothing. He was awfully hungry. The hunger was piercing
his body. He was becoming weak. Heat of the sun was also falling
on him. When he saw his mother tearing a piece of fish, he loved to
tear the food that way. He scrapped his beak now and then to what
His mother approached near his beak with food but she did
not come quite close. He drived at the fish and fell into space. A
terror seized him for a moment. Then he spread his wings. The
wind rushed against his stomach and wings. He was not falling but
soaring downwards and upwards. Then he flapped his wings and
soared upwards. His mother swooped part him. His father flew over
him screaming, then the young Seagull forgot that he was not able
to fly. But he commanded himself to drive and soar. He was rather
flying over the sea. Thus the Seagull's father compelled the young
Seagull to finally fly.

Q. 6. Describe the methods used by the seagull family to
help the young seagull to overcome his fear and fly.
Ans. The seagull family used various methods to help him
to overcome his fear and fly. First of all, the parents, brothers and
sister left him all alone for twenty-four hours. Then his parents
came around calling him shrilly to fly. They even rebuked him
that if he could not fly, he would strave to death.
When, finally, the seagull couldn't catch the food from his
mother's beak, he dived for it. He did so because he was very
hungry. His mother swooped upwards. He then passed beneath
her. She was flying very near him to provide him a kind of
protection. Then, when he took up his first flight, they flew over
him giving moral support to him. They also flew differently to
enable him to learn such arts of flying.

Q. 7. How can his first night' be 'freedom from fear' for
the seagull? How is 'freedom from fear' a suitable title?
Ans. Freedom from Fear
I think that the above title is equally appropriate for the
story. The seagull is greatly under the grip of fear. Due to it he can't
But due to fear, he can't do so. He is very hungry. He knows it that
fly. His parents, brothers and sister have called him shrilly to fly.
But due to fear,he can't do so.He is very hungry. He knows it that
mother brings him food. But he can't pick it up from her beak due
if he can't fly he would die of hunger. Then he cries for food. His
mother brings him food.But he can't pick it up from her beak due
to fear. But this moment he dives for it. His fear vanishes from that
moment. He feels the thrill of success. He is screaming with joy
and flies upwards and downwards. It means that unless we shed
our fears we can't be successful in life. No one can help us unless
we can help ourselves. The seagull tried first on his own and he
was successful.

Q. 8. Describe how the young seagull made his first fight. [2016 (A)]
(i) As seen through the eyes of the mother seagull.
Ans. I saw the little seagull desperate for food. So I brought
to him a piece of fish. I flew near him. But I knowingly kept some
space between the little one and my beak. I knew he would do that.
And he dived for it. He was able to fly successfully. I was very glad
to fly over him. He was calling out in joy that he had made it. Then
he landed on the surface of water with success. Earlier he was
afraid that he would sink into the green water. But it was not so.

(ii) As seen by his brothers and sister.
Ans. We were very sad that our little brother was greatly
afraid of flying. We tried our best but he failed. When mother tried
her best, he was successful. We could see him fly upwards and
downwards. He was soaring also. We were watching him anxiously.
Then he landed on the green surface of the sea. He flapped his
wings when he tried to stand on the surface of water and sank into
it. He sank until his belly touched it. He could not more sink. We
floated near and around him. We were screaming due to joy. We
were praising him. We were offering him food in plenty.

(iii) As observed by you from the beach below.
Ans. I saw the first flight of the seagull. I saw that his mother
flew near him to give him food. But he couldn't catch it from her
beak. He at once dived for it. The mother swooped upwards. The
little one spread his wings. He was flying upwards and downwards.
I felt that he won't fly. But soon he was successfully flying. He
soared up also crying joyously.
              He then landed on the green water. He flapped his wings
when his feet sank into the green water. But when his belly touched
the water he could no longer sink. He was floating. The members
of his family were floating around him in great joy. They were
offering him pieces of fish.

Q 9. Describe in brief the journey of the author in his
Ans. The author was flying his old Dakota aeroplane over
France back to England. He decided to call Paris Control. The
Paris Control told him to turn to twelve degrees west towards
England. Paris was about 150 kilometeres behind him. Then he
suddenly saw stormy dark clouds. They stood like balck mountains
in from of him. He could not think what to do. But the next moment,
he took the risk and flew straight into the storm. He couldn't see
anything outside his aeroplane. The compass didn't work.
Suddenly, he saw another pilot. He asked him to follow him. After
half an hour he came out of the clouds. He landed safely. He asked
the lady at the airport about the black aeroplane. But she told him
that there was no such aeroplane. He couldn't udnerstand anything
about the aeroplane.

Q.10. What was the author thinking of and looking forward
to while flying his Dakota in clear sky? What happened them?
Ans. The author was flying his old Dakota aeroplane over
France. He was on his way to England. It was one thirty in the
morning. The moon was coming up in the east. The stars were
shining in the clear sky. The sky seemed cloudless. The author
was happy to be flying high up above the sleeping countryside.
He was dreaming of his enjoyable holidays in France. He wanted
to be with his family. He wanted to be at breakfast with his family.
So he contacted the Paris Control. It directed him to turn twelve
degrees west. Then suddenly he saw huge stormy clouds. They
looked like black mountains.

Q.11. Why did the author think that he ought to go back to
Paris? What did he decide to do?
Ans. The author was flying old Dakota from France to
England. He was 150 kilometers ahead of Paris towards England.
Then he saw huge clouds. They were stormy clouds. They stood
like huge black mountains in front of him. He knew that he did not
have sufficient fuel. He could not fly up and over the clouds. He also
could not fly around them to the north or the south. So he thought it
better to go back to Paris. It was risky to enter these black clouds.
But after a few moments he decided to take this risk of flying through
these storm clouds. He did so because he wanted to join his family
at breakfast. So he flew his aeroplane straight into these black clouds.

Q.12. How did the author come out safely from the black
Ans. The author decided to fly through the black clouds. He
found that everything inside the clouds was black. He couldn't see
anything outside the aeroplane. His aeroplane jumped and twisted
in the air. His compass and radio had stopped working. Then in the
black clouds, he saw another aeroplane near him. This aeroplane
had no lights on its wings. But he could see it flying ahead of him.
He saw the pilot's face turn towards him. He lifted his hand and
waved it to indicate to the author to follow him. The author
followed his directions. After some moments he came out of the
clouds safely. He saw the runway. But he could not see the other

13. What happened to the second aeroplane? Why
couldn't the author thank its pilot?
Ans. After some moments, the author saw the runway. He
landed safely on the runway. Naturally, he wanted to thank the
pilot of the second aeroplane. So he turned to look for the pilot.
But he could see neither the pilot nor the other aeroplane. The
black aeroplane had gone. The author then went to a woman in the
control centre. He asked her who the other pilot was and where he
was. He was amazed to hear the woman. She told him that there
was no other aeroplane except his. No other aeroplane flew that
night except his. He was confused who was the other pilot and
why he had helped him.

Q. 14. Describe the experience of the author while flying
into these black clouds.
Ans. The author took the risk of flying his aeroplane through
the black clouds. He felt that he was nearly lost into them. They
were black storm clouds. They stood up like huge black mountains.
He couldn't see anything outside his aeroplane. The old aeroplane
jumped and twisted in the air. His compass and other instruments
did not work. The radio was dead too. Then he saw another
aeroplane ahead of him. This plane had no lights on its wings. He
saw that the pilot's face was turned towards him. He lifted one
hand and waved. He directed the author to follow him. The author
followed the second aeroplane. Soon he was out of the black clouds.

Q.15. What did the author do after he landed on the runway
Ans. The author landed safely. He had followed the pilot of
the black aeroplane. So he wanted to thank him. He thought that
he too had landed before him. But he could not see him or his
aeroplane. Then the author went to a woman in the control centre.
He asked her where he was and who the other pilot was. But he was
amazed to hear the woman. The woman told him that no other
plane except that of the author landed that night. The woman
looked strangely at the author. But he could not understand who
the pilot was on the strange black acroplane. And why he was
flying in the storm without lights. And why did he save him?

Q.16. The author asks a question at the end : "Who was the
pilot on the strange black aeroplane?" Guess the answer to this
Ans. The answer to this question is only a matter of guess.
We can guess according to our beliefs and fancies. It is possible
that the pilot on the strange black aeroplane could have been a
friendly ghost. Our pilot was, no doubt, lost in the black storm. He
could not see anything outside as it was all black. His aeroplanc
jumped and twisted in the air. His compass also could not work. So
he could not take the help of the Paris Control or London Control,
In a way, the friendly ghost had taken charge of his safety. It led
him through the black storm. When he was safe, the ghost went his
way. No one saw him the lady at the airport told him that there was
no such aeroplane.

Q 17. Do you agree that this story is a mystery? Justify:
Ans. I agree that this story is a mystery. A mystery is that
about which we can't say anything with firmness. Even if we try to
reason with it, we fail to find sufficient reasons for our queries. For
example, who was in the black aeroplane? Why did he ask our
pilot to follow him? Where did he go after taking our pilot out of
the storm? Why didn't the airport authorities detect his aeroplane
if he was not a ghost? Can such incidents take place? There are
hundreds of other such questions. It is difficult to find suitable or
convincing answers to them. This story also has such mysteries
about it. Only one thing is sure. The pilot was led safely out of the
black storm. But did such a thing occur to him? We can't answer it.
So the story is a mystery.

Q. 18. Describe the narrator's experience as he flew the
aeroplane into the storm.
Ans. The narrator found that suddenly there was blackness
around him inside the clouds. He could see nothing. The aeroplane
jumped and twisted in the air. The instruments like the compass
couldn't work. The radio did not work. He was lost in the storm.
Then he saw another aeroplane. It had no light on its wings. But it
guided him ahead. Then it disappeared when the author was safe.
The black clouds were behind him. He was safe.

Q.19. What made woman in the control centre look at
the narrator strangely?                                  [JAC 2009(S)]
Ans. The narrator asked about the mysterious aeroplane that
had guided him through the dark clouds to safety. But there was
no such aeroplane over there. The lady did not see nor did she
come into contact with that aeroplane. So the narrator's asking
question about that aeroplane startled her.

Q. 20. Why was the young seagull afraid to fly?
Or Why was the young seagull afraid to fly? What
compelled the young seagull to finally fly.
Or, Describe how the young seagull made his first flight.
Ans. The young seagull was afraid to fly because he did not
have the courage to fly. Although, he tried to flap his wings, he
was afraid that he would not be able to fly. The vast sea beneath
too frightened him. His two brothers and sister had already flown
away the day before. But he was afraid to fly with them. The great
expanse of sea stretched down beneath and it was a long way
down miles down. So, the young seagul was really afraid to fly.
When his mother came with a piece of fish in her beak almost
within reach of his beak, but she did not come nearer, and then,
maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. This compelled the
young seagull to finally fly.

Black Aeroplane                                          Frederick Forsyth
                                Questions on Extract
Extract: The moon was coming up in the east, behind me,
and stars were shining in the clear sky above me. There was'nt a
cloud in the sky. I was happy to be alone high up above the
sleeping countryside. I was flying my old Dakota aeroplane over
France back to England. I was dreaming of my holiday and looking
forward to being with my family. I looked at my watch: one thirty
in the morning. '1 should call Paris Control soon. I thought.

Q. (a) Who is 'me' here in the first line?
(b) What indicates that the weather was fine at that time?
(c) Which two things made the pilot happy?
(d) Why did he think of calling Paris Control?
(e) Find a word from the passage which means i'withio
any company.
Ans.(a) 'Me' here refers to the pilot of the Dakota aeroplane,
(b) The moon was coming up and the stars were shinning to
the clear sky. These facts indicate that the weather was
fine at that time.
(c) The Pilot was happy because he was dreaming of a
holiday and looking forward to be with his family,
(d) He thought of calling Paris Control to know the exact
location of his aeroplane. He also wanted to know the
direction of the route to England.
(c) 'alone.'

                        Long Questions and Answers

Q. 1. Describe the narrator's experience as he flew the
acroplane into the storm.
Ans. The narrator found that blackness surrounded him inside
the clouds. He could see nothing. The acroplane jumped and
twisted in the air. The instruments like the compass and radio did
not work. He was lost in the storm. Then he saw another aeroplane.
It had no light on its wings. But it guided him ahead. Then it
disappeared when the author was safe. The black clouds were
behind him. He was safe.

Q. 2. How did the author come out safely from the black
Ans. The author was lost in the black clouds and storm. He
found that everything inside the clouds was black. He couldn't
see anything outside the aeroplane. His aeroplane jumped and
twisted in the air. His compass and radio had stopped working
Then in the black clouds, he saw another aeroplane ncar him.
This aeroplane had no lights on its wings. But he could see it
flying ahead of him. He saw the pilots face turn towards him. He
lifted his hand and he was saying, "Follow me". The author
followed his directions. Atter some moments he came out ot the
clouds safely. He saw the runway. He landed safely.

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